Eröffnungsshow vom Berliner Modehaus PLATTE

Eröffnungsshow vom Berliner Modehaus PLATTE

09.  Sept 2021 Das Berliner Modehaus PLATTE eröffnet im Rahmen der Berlin Fashionweek mit einem innovativen Runway Format in Form eines Voguing Balls und zeigt unter 30 Look von Berliner...

Eröffnungsshow vom Berliner Modehaus PLATTE

09.  Sept 2021 Das Berliner Modehaus PLATTE eröffnet im Rahmen der Berlin Fashionweek mit einem innovativen Runway Format in Form eines Voguing Balls und zeigt unter 30 Look von Berliner...

How has the desire to exercise changed during the pandemic?

How has the desire to exercise changed during t...

How has the desire to exercise changed during the pandemic?   In any case, a lot has happened. Most people are paying increasing attention to their health, especially when shopping...

How has the desire to exercise changed during t...

How has the desire to exercise changed during the pandemic?   In any case, a lot has happened. Most people are paying increasing attention to their health, especially when shopping...

"How beautiful you are!“

"How beautiful you are!“

DRESP sport couture was part of the group exhibition named "How beautiful you are!“, by Kosmetiksalon Babette at Maschinenhaus of the KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art. In various forms of...

"How beautiful you are!“

DRESP sport couture was part of the group exhibition named "How beautiful you are!“, by Kosmetiksalon Babette at Maschinenhaus of the KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art. In various forms of...

Come and join us at the TECHNO NOW ART FESTIVAL

Come and join us at the TECHNO NOW ART FESTIVAL

When? March 29-31 2019Where?X-LANE, Reichenberger Str. 154, 10999 BerlinDRESP sport couture will have a sales booth and a performance at the Techno Now Art Festival. "The TECHNO NOW ART FESTIVAL...

Come and join us at the TECHNO NOW ART FESTIVAL

When? March 29-31 2019Where?X-LANE, Reichenberger Str. 154, 10999 BerlinDRESP sport couture will have a sales booth and a performance at the Techno Now Art Festival. "The TECHNO NOW ART FESTIVAL...

Yoga Conference Mai 2019

Yoga Conference Mai 2019

We would like to invite you to the Berlin Yoga Conference May 24-26 2019Berlin Yoga Conference is an international yoga event with a yogaprogram (classes, meditation, lectures), an experience program(classical...

Yoga Conference Mai 2019

We would like to invite you to the Berlin Yoga Conference May 24-26 2019Berlin Yoga Conference is an international yoga event with a yogaprogram (classes, meditation, lectures), an experience program(classical...

Living doll fashion installation during Berlin fashion week Jan 2018

Living doll fashion installation during Berlin ...

Perlensäue fashion installation, outfits by DRESP Photography by Van Schwarzdorn Photography media partner KALTBLUT Magazine host Moxy Hotel am Ostbahnhof hair and make up Kristin Roes

Living doll fashion installation during Berlin ...

Perlensäue fashion installation, outfits by DRESP Photography by Van Schwarzdorn Photography media partner KALTBLUT Magazine host Moxy Hotel am Ostbahnhof hair and make up Kristin Roes